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CNCF Conformance

For organizations using Kubernetes, conformance enables interoperability, consistency, and confirmability between Kubernetes installations. The Cloud Computing Native Foundation - CNCF - provides the Certified Kubernetes Conformance Program.

The standard set of conformance tests is currently those defined by the [Conformance] tag in the kubernetes e2e suite.

All the “Tenant Clusters” built with Kamaji are CNCF conformant:

Running the conformance tests

The standard tool for running CNCF conformance tests is Sonobuoy. Sonobuoy is regularly built and kept up to date to execute against all currently supported versions of kubernetes.

Download a binary release of the CLI.

Make sure to access your Tenant Cluster:

export KUBECONFIG=tenant.kubeconfig

Deploy a Sonobuoy pod to your Tenant Cluster with:

sonobuoy run --mode=certified-conformance

You can run the command synchronously by adding the flag --wait but be aware that running the conformance tests can take an hour or more.

View actively running pods:

sonobuoy status

To inspect the logs:

sonobuoy logs -f

Once sonobuoy status shows the run as completed, copy the output directory from the main Sonobuoy pod to a local directory:

outfile=$(sonobuoy retrieve)

This copies a single .tar.gz snapshot from the Sonobuoy pod into your local . directory. Extract the contents into ./results with:

mkdir ./results; tar xzf $outfile -C ./results

To clean up Kubernetes objects created by Sonobuoy, run:

sonobuoy delete